Put all our banks into your app
The Erste Developer Portal provides one‐stop access to the APIs from the banks of Erste Group, which has more than 16 million customers across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
What is possible
with ErsteConnect?
Multibanking via API
Obtaining transaction history
Initiating a payment
With ErsteConnect you can connect to any current account you have with Erste Group and the other main banks in our region. ErsteConnect enables you to connect to all banks via their PSD2 APIs. We provide a harmonized API to simplify connectivity and authorization and give you the option to generate a free Erste WAC certificate.
123456curl --request GET "https://webapi.developers.erstegroup.com/api/egb/sandbox/v1/aisp/v1/accounts" \ --cert Paste the path to your certificate here \--key Paste the path to your private key file here \--header: "web-api-key: Paste your ErsteConnect Sandbox API key here" \--header "Authorization: Paste your ErsteConnect Sandbox access token here" \--header "X-Request-ID: ea1861fb-4c85-4159-b39d-9c3150f7e2f7"
123456curl --request GET "https://webapi.developers.erstegroup.com/api/egb/sandbox/v1/aisp/v1/accounts" \ --cert Paste the path to your certificate here \--key Paste the path to your private key file here \--header: "web-api-key: Paste your ErsteConnect Sandbox API key here" \--header "Authorization: Paste your ErsteConnect Sandbox access token here" \--header "X-Request-ID: 01eea7de-7fc7-4857-9d25-c49dba11e958"
Made by developers
for developers
We know first-hand how difficult things can get sometimes. In the sandbox, we’ll walk you through every step, so you can switch to production easily in just 10 minutes.
1. Register
Just enter your name and email address
2. Add your app
You're halfway through now
3. Connect the API
Choose the scope of services as well
4. Activate the sandbox
Test everything before switching
5. Let the production start
Everything working as it's supposed to? Then you’re ready to get started!